
Dry eye problems now treated in Radcliffe on Trent

If you suffer from dry eyes, did you know that you can be seen locally in Radcliffe of Trent at Lesley Cree Opticians for advice and treatment?

Dry eye can make your eyes feel dry, scratchy, irritated and uncomfortable. It can make you feel as if you have something in your eye, like an eyelash or a piece of grit, even when there is nothing there. Remarkably, dry eyes are very often watery. This is because a dry eye is usually caused by a poor quality tear film, not a lack of “water” in the tear film.

The tear film

Every time you blink you create the tear film across the front of your eye. Dry eye happens if:

• not enough tears are produced;

• if they aren’t spread properly;

• or if the tear film is of poor quality.


At Lesley Cree, we can assess your tear film by using a slit-lamp (which is a bright light and upto 40x magnification) in conjunction with eye drops to determine the quantity and quality of your tear layer.

Most people with dry eye need to use some form of eye drops, also known as “artificial tears”. Eye drops aim to supplement and replace your natural tears and make the eye more comfortable.

Eye drops don’t contain any drugs, they are just lubricating or replacement tears. This means that they can be used as frequently as necessary.

1) Artificial tears

Aqueous replacement drops, are a tear substitute and replace the watery tear layer.

Others work by lubricating the surface of the eye to stabilise the tear film.

2) Eye Gels

Thicker gel-like drops which last longer in the eye work in a similar way to ordinary drops but you don’t have to put them in as often.

3) Ointments

Ointments are more sticky and can cause blurry vision, so are only advised for use overnight.

4) Diet and Nutrition

Recent research has found that omega 3 and 6 oils can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of dry eye. These can be obtained by a diet rich in oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocado or by taking nutritional supplements.

If you would like any help or advice regarding dry eyes please call in, we would be happy to help!